Practice makes perfect.

Train and improve your skill in specific areas with us.

Learning to understand means being able to react more freely.

Our training courses and seminars are designed to deepen your knowledge in a specific area of expertise and in doing so, broaden your scope of action. You uncover connections between the situation, players and possibilities for action. This allows you to gain clarity and security.


We provide tailor-made, multi-day training courses on the key topics of management, change and sales.


Effective leadership relationships depend on trust: Trust in oneself, trust in others and trust in a wide range of possible solutions. People who take the lead and those who engage in leadership know how to perceive impulses, reflect on thoughts and actions and learn from the surrounding feedback – as individuals, teams and organisations.
Trust, empathy and the ability to resonate lay the foundation for successful dialogue. We will help you become familiar with different management concepts and develop a feeling for the management relationship in the process.


Leadership is needed – but what kind? This 2-day seminar will look at traditional and modern leadership concepts: What are the differences and what are their similarities? In which settings are concepts such as Agile Leadership, Authoritarian Leadership, Mindful Leadership, Transformational Leadership, etc. useful? And when are they not? What are the demands placed on employees and leaders in order to create a mutually empowering "leading and being led” concept?
Leadership and self-leadership approaches presented form the basis for practical transfer, taking place via group work and exchanges with other participants.


The success of a company hinges on its ability to continuously adapt to market conditions: questioning itself, forging new paths and showing entrepreneurial courage is essential for this. The unique selling point of your company is the ability of each individual in the organisation to change.


This means that individuals and companies are permanently challenged to adapt to new situations. This is not always easy, not to mention convenient. We take practical examples to show you how organisations tick and what really drives people in change processes.


Successful decision-makers and change consultants truly understand what makes organisations tick and what drives people in change processes. This 2-day seminar will focus precisely on these two aspects: Organisation and people.


The cor-essentials model is your compass in change projects. It provides you with clear answers to your questions and opens up further questions. As a result, you will obtain concrete ideas on how you should proceed in your change project.


Sales is the most exciting area of a company. Because this is where things happen. What's more, sales activities require the ability to support the customer creatively and in a spirit of partnership. This gives you the opportunity to represent the uniqueness of your company and its products and to achieve profitable deals and lasting partnerships.


We expand your skills for sustainable success in sales, while training you in theory and practice. Focusing on the essentials, you will be able to comprehend the customer's motivation and get to the heart of solutions.


For us, cor-max is all about understanding the interaction you have with the client as a committed partnership aimed at creating value and success.


The client experiences the encounter with you in a positive and stimulating light. You understand their motivation and get to the heart of relevant issues. The right solutions generate profitable deals and lasting partnerships. This is the foundation for sustainable success.

What would you like to be able to do better tomorrow than today?

We will help you strengthen your skills.